Sunday, February 23, 2014

Generation Y Fail? (Summer 2012)

The greatest journeys have the humblest beginnings.

Who We Are

My name is Reese "Pen" Holmes, and I do not accept the status quo. I'm what they call a "rebel with a cause", quite bohemian in nature. I am a storyteller, an artist, and the wisest fool you'll ever meet. You can read my personal journal here.

And my name is Sarah Clark, a.k.a. Carmen Morgan, and I am a passionate performer. My trinity of values are love, music, and truth. I try to encompass these in everything I do. You can see my other blog here.

This is the tale of two modern day adventurers, seeking inspiration and to make ourselves out in this world. We wish to capture truth and to lend a helping hand to those who need it most.

What We Do

Why is generation Y so damn apathetic? We confuse passion for obsession, a weakness. We tease those with their hearts on their sleeves and admire those with hearts of stone. But our hearts are supposed to bleed when stabbed. A heart of stone cannot bleed, nor can it pitter-patter in excitement. A heart should soar like a bird. When made of stone, it sinks into the Mariana Trench.

Obsession and passion are not one in the same. We are told by our peers that it is weird to read a book 9 times or to closely follow our favorite musician. We're called "crazy fans, fan-girls/boys", obsessive, and we're teased mercilessly. If we want to do something with our lives that's not "normal", or worth something obvious to others, like money or a certificate, our ideas are condemned. If we do not walk the narrow path of acceptance, we feel great pain. The dreamers are often unsupported.

When we tear each other down for free thinking, those dreams go into hiding. They become regrets. Dreamers escape to a world of fantasy because they cannot enact their dreams in reality. So many generation Y are stuck unfulfilled, forced onto narrow paths, and worse yet, with little financial or familial backing. Generation Y is experiencing one of the worst world wide unemployment epidemics in history. Young college graduates cannot find work, and entrepreneurs without finances are subjected to supporting the dreams of a big corporation.

So please remember this:

An obsession disrupts your life. A passion enriches your life.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Looking For Answers

The question remains to be found, yet I keep expecting some sort of progress in my life. The sorts of adventures I crave are so antiquated that I feel a bit misplaced. One cannot simply up and leave. And jobs are so prescribed and... predictable nowadays that I am not surprised by the vast amounts of materialism.

Mankind has begun to lend itself and sell its freedom to the sweet temptation of safety. The few who rule this brave new world take pleasure in this co-dependency. The more that mankind isolates itself in items and imaginary worlds, the quicker it allows itself to die and create its own extinction.

It is time for a new era; it has been proclaimed by ancients and those who keep their ear to the heartbeat of existence.

Indeed, mankind is at it's rope's end. If outside forces do not remove it, surely it will implode upon itself.

What this new race will be, I do not know. Womankind, childrenkind, primate-kind... it is up for grabs. It is the time for change and outrage. It is the time for passion, not extremism. Intelligence needs to be celebrated once more, and experience to be honored. The greatest battles are going to be against ignorance and indifference.

These walls that have been built up must come down. Petty battles are being fought across the nation, and every detail being observed microscopically. For every habit we hoard, there is yet another weight added onto our personal paths to enlightenment. All institutions are inhabited by many people who claim that they are the ones who are right. Science is pitted against art and religion, though all of them can work completely in tandem. Education and politics can be balanced if one so desires it. The rich and poor can collaborate: if the two never merged how else would we have the poignant and inspired stories of some of the greatest members of society (Dr. King Jr., Princess Diane, Gandhi, Mother Teresa) and religious guides?

We do have a great amount of power, but we fail to recognize it. I remember visiting a director of a shelter in Washington C.D. He told my classmates and I that everyone has the potential to do great things; but if we misuse this potential, we do the greatest disservice. In his eyes, to be lazy and depressed was a selfish infliction on yourself. Admittedly, I think that depression has more roots than selfishness. Yet, in my own phases of depression I have recognized that most of my own suffering came from my own hands.

In the light of my own self-determination and less agitated consciousness, I realize what this reality lacks. This world is far too broad and too fragile to waste away in sweat-stained rags and sterilized worlds. We have turned ourselves into experimental creatures, manipulated by businesses and politicians. True freedom is gained by worldly adventures and personal responsibility.

Refuse to be imprisoned by this so-called "free market".

Demand for your rights, and those of your neighbors, for once theirs start to disappear, yours will quickly follow.

Penetrate into the secret societies that rape our abilities and skills with weapons of abusive power and humiliation.

Retaliate with passive-aggressive techniques when these entities attack, and progress with swift motion and unity when they are scattered. When they are still, remain patient and study them: take advantage of their weaknesses.

Fortify your position with allies, using compromise as a means to establish a cohesive unity against dirt and infestation.

Propel yourself above the safe and minimal standards that society has developed; greatness is gained from experience, not from the money earned or inherited from a long line of a family name.

And finally,

Liberate yourself and others from the crippling habit of ignorance and aggression by providing actively growing knowledge and gradually developed peaceful wisdom.

Contemplate these statements and find what truths lie within you, and then learn the best course of action that you can apply to your own life.